Enbridge plans open house on controversial pipeline project

“Enbridge, the company that plans to build a 167-mile pipeline from Flanagan to Patoka, will have team members at an open house Thursday to answer questions about the project.

It’s the last of four open houses planned along the proposed pipeline route. Jennifer Smith, communication manager for Enbridge, said no formal presentation will be given; instead, those attending can speak one-on-one with team members.

Recently, the Illinois Commerce Commission ruled Enbridge can pursue eminent domain to obtain the remaining right-of-way it needs. The ICC previously gave Enbridge permission to build the pipeline.

Dr. Tom Pliura, who represents about 100 landowners along the pipeline route, this week filed an application with the ICC, asking for a rehearing on the eminent domain issue. Pliura maintains the project’s scope has changed: originally it was to be a 36-inch-diameter pipeline carrying heavy crude oil; now it will be a 23-inch-diameter pipeline carrying light oil.”

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Ford, Mary Ann. Pantagraph 31 May 2014.