Bloomfield Renews Eminent Domain Effort

“The town has notified the new owner of 30 Southwood Road that it is interested in acquiring the property, and is willing to do so through eminent domain if necessary.

This time the town has sent the letter to John T. Barney, the newest owner of the property.

According to records in the town clerk’s office, Barney bought the property for $1 from Harry Sawyer in April, three days before the town filed legal notice in Superior Court in Hartford that it intended to take the land by eminent domain.

Sawyer bought the property in September from Charlie Smith for $99,000, according to the records.

Smith had been seeking $125,000 for the property from the town, which was offering between $30,000 and $50,000. Then he sold it to Sawyer.

The town offered Sawyer $41,000, based on two appraisals, according to town officials. But Sawyer declined to sell the property to the town.

The $1 sale by Sawyer to Barney meant the town had to start the process of buying — or taking — the land again. The town says it wants the 7 acres to expand the public works garage.”

read the entire article

Goode, Steven. The Courant 5 June 2014.