Grain Belt Express faces eminent domain challenge
“Opponents of a planned electric transmission project hope action in the Missouri Capitol can stave off a bid to build the power network over their property.
A bill filed by Rep. Dr. Jim Neely, R-Cameron, seeks to change state law concerning eminent domain powers exercised by utilities. The measure would erase the power of eminent domain in certain counties along the route. In an executive session Wednesday, the bill passed out of a House utilities committee and could head to the House floor for debate, depending on the preference of the chamber’s leadership. It could also be attached to another bill and still stand a chance for approval.
Clean Line Energy Partners is hoping to build the electric transmission line through the region that it has dubbed as the Grain Belt Express. Its intent is to provide a link from a western Kansas wind farm complex to supply a request for power needs expressed by eastern states.
Information released by Block Grain Belt Express Missouri said farmers along the line’s proposed route are upset over eminent domain as an option for taking land by force. The grassroots group formed to oppose the project and said eminent domain could lead to other large utility transmission projects throughout the state.
Dr. Neely said there’s a good amount of public support for the bill, despite the admitted lack of a hearing.”
Scherer, Ray. News-Press Now 4 May 2014.