Government of the people, or just the people in power?

“At a meeting of the Hume Town Board (in Allegany County) on March 12, a public hearing was opened to discuss the proposed acquisition by eminent domain of a property at the four corners in Fillmore. The opening remarks by the town attorney, as described in the official minutes, stated that “the meeting was informational, for the community to speak and for the Town Board to listen and not respond at this point.”

At the conclusion of the comment period, in which the consensus was decidedly against acquiring the property by such means, a vote was taken in which this consensus was formalized by a vote recorded as 29 no, nine yes.

After entertaining additional comment and conducting other business, the “Board entered into Executive Session to discuss Legal Matters.” Upon returning to open session, the board passed a resolution “to go forward with the seizure of the property” in question, by a 5-0 vote.

So doing, the board not only contradicted the town attorney’s opening remarks, but also ignored the express will of the majority who had assembled on a stormy evening to speak out — and vote — against just this course of action.”

read the entire article

Fancher, Bernard. Olean Times Herald 1 May 2014.