No interest in eminent domain in school siting

“The Champaign school board has no interest in using eminent domain to acquire property around Spalding Park for a new high school, school board President Laurie Bonnett said Thursday.

“We don’t want to force anybody out. If someone looks to sell us their home, it’s not the same thing,” she said.

She said the board is exploring alternative ways to address space needs with the city and other governmental agencies, though she declined to elaborate.

“If it’s not something we could do on our own, it’s going to take different groups coming to the table to make something happen. We’re trying to be creative,” she said.

Champaign City Attorney Fred Stavins said it’s “rare” for a governmental body to enter into an eminent domain lawsuit in negotiations with property owners. Those that do get that far usually involve a business, he said.”

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Wurth, Julie. The News Gazette 13 June 2014.