Aurora to consider tax increment financing for Arts District shops

“Aurora will hold two public hearings in June to discuss implementing a small tax increment finance area in one square block of the Fletcher Plaza urban renewal area in the Aurora Cultural Arts District.

The proposed TIF would be used to recapitalize on grants that have been funneled into economic revitalization efforts in the urban renewal area over the last several years, said Andrea Amonick, director of development services in Aurora.

” We’re making investments in several retail shops now,” she said. “We’ve done a number of redevelopment projects within the area in the past … and now we’re working with two restaurants who want to go into the Florence Square project.”

Florence Square is a mixed-use development across the street from the Martin Luther King Jr. Library at 9801 E. Colfax Ave. The ground floor of the building is where the two anticipated restaurants — Granny Annie Peachie Pie Southern Cuisine and Café Paprika — will open. This will be Café Paprika’s second location in Aurora.”

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Mitchell, Megan. Denver Post 15 May 2014.