Urban renewal authority reform bill advances in state Legislature

“The Colorado House of Representatives late Friday afternoon gave initial approval to the bill after a long debate about how cities across the state are using urban renewal authorities and tax increment financing to restore blighted areas.

#“The goal here is not to shut down economic activity here in Colorado. It’s to bring more fairness to the process between cities and counties,” bill sponsor Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, said before the vote.

#Cities and counties long have sparred about cities’ use of urban renewal authorities to redirect property tax growth in a redevelopment area toward improvement projects.

#Some counties see this redirection of property taxes as a siphoning off of tax dollars they and other taxing entities such as school districts think they otherwise would be getting.

#But cities see the urban renewal authority as an important tool to redevelop areas they think wouldn’t be successfully improved by private development.”

read the entire article

Franz, Scott. Steamboat Today 25 April 2014.