Tumlin vetoes eminent domain offer; Council tables action on 2 properties, was set to OK 3rd

“An attempt by the city to build a recreation center near downtown Marietta pitted residents against their representatives on the City Council on Wednesday night, resulting in a veto by Mayor Steve Tumlin.

Three coveted properties sit in the way of expansion plans for the Elizabeth Porter Recreation Center, a center selected for improvements by residents as part of the 2005 parks bond issuance. The project has a $3.75 million budget.

City Council decided not to authorize starting the process of using eminent domain to condemn two residential properties in the quiet Allgood Road neighborhood.

The council was willing to make an offer for another property on North Marietta Parkway, west of Fairground Street, but Tumlin vetoed that effort in order to tackle acquiring all three pieces of land next month.”

read the entire article

Gray, Rachel. Marietta Daily Journal 14 March 2014.