York County Court rules against Sunoco Pipeline

“While Washington County Court has yet to decide whether Sunoco Pipeline should have the power to condemn private properties along its construction path, a comparable court case in York County halted Sunoco in its tracks.

The Court of Common Pleas in York County ruled Monday that Sunoco does not have eminent domain powers and cannot seize property from two people who live in Fairview Township on land Sunoco’s proposed pipeline would run through.

In both Washington and York counties, Sunoco argued in court it is a public utility corporation that can take property without federal approval because it’s involved in developing an interstate pipeline to transport ethane, propane, liquid gas and petroleum products.

Washington County Judge Katherine Emery heard arguments Jan. 21 from Sunoco and counsel representing the owners of 25 properties in this area who challenged Sunoco’s claim to public utility status.

Two of those property owners are Ronald and Sallie Cox, who are fighting to protect the wooded area they own in front of their home on South Spring Valley Road.”

read the entire article

Petsko, Emily. Observer Reporter 2 March 2014.