It’s Not Nice to Backhand the Supremes

“On Jan. 8, the court told TransCanada it would indeed have to answer, an indication that the court is considering hearing Crawford’s appeal on the merits. In response, the company sent Crawford a single day’s information: TransCanada claimed it moved crude oil for British Petroleum on Dec. 15.

Crawford called the one-day sharing of the pipeline “a bait-and-switch to justify their common-carrier status.”

Bait-and-switch may be the least of TransCanada’s problems if Texas law is upheld. The other part of the requirement for common-carrier status is that eminent domain can be used only for lines that will transport a Texas product from one place to another within the state. Crawford notes that there isn’t even a place inside the state’s boundaries where Texas oil could be put into the pipeline.”

read the entire article

Fort Worth Weekly 29 January 2014.