It’s Time to End Uncivil Discourse

“As State Representative, I am accustomed to hearing from constituents as they present their views and positions on issues being addressed in Harrisburg and here at home. Some agree with me. Some do not. But, mostly, all make their points in a manner that is respectful and fair. I work hard to do the same in answering their concerns. It’s called civil discourse, and it is one of the foundations of our representative democracy.

Unfortunately over the past few months – as we have seen arguments over government shutdowns in Washington, D.C., differences surrounding the recently enacted Transportation Funding package in Harrisburg, and now the passionate feelings over eminent domain issues in Phoenixville – it has become clear that too many have abandoned civil discourse in favor of uncivil speech and actions.

This speech and these actions do us no good. It forces people, who are otherwise normally reasonable, to abandon the idea of achieving pragmatic progress. It forces gridlock. It stops us from addressing truly important issues.”

read the entire article

Representative Warren Kampf. Phoenixville Patch 9 December 2013.