Questions continue regarding Phoenixville school district eminent domain acquisition

“With the Phoenixville Area School District a little more than two weeks away from officially taking control of the Meadow Brook Golf Club property, local citizens continue to air their questions and concerns.

“I’m encouraged by the level of dialogue occurring,” said district Executive Director of Operations Stan Johnson in an interview with The Mercury Tuesday morning. “That’s a healthy thing in the community.”

Amid the concerns, Johnson said that he just wants to emphasize “the need to serve the educational needs of children in the district.”

“We want to provide a quality learning environment for the children,” Johnson said. “That’s what we’re trying to do.”

The Phoenixville Area School Board voted 7-2 at a Nov. 14 workshop meeting to move forward with an eminent domain acquisition of Meadow Brook Golf Club, just across the borough lines in Schuylkill Township at 1416 State Road.

Meadow Brook’s reported asking price was $8 million while the district’s last offer was $5 million.”

read the entire article

Otto, Frank. THe Mercury News 26 November 2013.