Alexandria Officials Plan to Use Eminent Domain to Acquire Old Town Parking Lot

“City of Alexandria officials voted Tuesday to move ahead with plans to use eminent domain to acquire a popular parking lot along Old Town’s waterfront.

The land currently belongs to the Old Dominion Boat Club, an establishment with deep roots in Northern Virginia. It was chartered in 1880 and its property along the waterfront is highly desired.

For the past 15 years, the City of Alexandria has looked to acquire part of the land, specifically the club’s parking lot, which serves as access to the Potomac River.

The city wants to acquire the parking lot under eminent domain — acquiring private property and flipping it for public use. The proposed plans allow the public more access to the desired views of the Potomac River.”

read the entire article and watch the video

Segraves, Mark and Mila Mimica. NBC Washington 19 November 2013.