Town hopes to avoid eminent domain in making Stitt Road public

“At a meeting on Oct. 3, the town board tabled a decision about whether to make Stitt Road, currently a private road, into a public road.
A handful of people spoke at a public hearing on the matter that night, including residents of the road, as well as Fred Wagner, who owns a parcel of land bordering the road, which he wasn’t convinced he should hand over to the town in order to make the road public.

If Wagner, who owns Helderberg Excavating and Trucking, doesn’t turn his land over to Guilderland, the town may take it by eminent domain, the legal power to take private property for public use.

The town board will meet again on Oct. 15, at which point it will hear from Wagner, who will have decided if he wants to turn his land over willingly.”

read the entire article

Harwood, Anne Hayden. The Altamont Enterprise 11 October 2013.