Long Beach Township to Pursue Eminent Domain Following Settlement in Dune Easement Battle

“In quick succession, the settlement of a legal battle over dune height and Gov. Chris Christie’s executive order to take action against beach easement holdouts have positioned Long Beach Township and other Long Beach Island municipalities to more feasibly and easily secure beach replenishment in spots that are not yet part of the federal project.

“Long Beach Township is proceeding with eminent domain preparation,” with surveys and appraisals already under way, township Mayor Joseph Mancini said Monday.

So far the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed replenishment on a mile stretch in Brant Beach. While the municipality is still a month or two out from hearing the Corps’ decision on whether the project is still needed elsewhere in the township, Mancini is confident the Corps will give the go-ahead. At that point, the township’s eminent domain process should be in order and allow the municipality to proceed with beach renourishment.”

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The Sandpaper.net 1 October 2013.