Evesham plaza owners challenge eminent-domain threat

“The owners of a semi-vacant shopping plaza in Evesham say they have plans at last for their property – which local officials call an “eyesore” – and want the courts to order the township out of their way.

The New York-based proprietors of Tri-Towne Plaza on Route 70 say that Evesham unfairly included their site in its redevelopment plan this year in order to “punish” the owners, condemn the property, and acquire it below market value.

In filings made last week and in late August, the firm known as Evesham Owner L.L.C. asks Burlington County Superior Court to order their 180,000 square feet of buildings on 20 acres removed from the township’s redevelopment plan.

The firm also asks the court to order Evesham’s zoning officer and planning board to issue the building permits that the firm says they denied in an act of “unveiled arrogance,” and that it says it needs to improve the site and attract new tenants.”

read the entire article

O’Reilly, David. Philly.com 20 September 2013.