City to utilize eminent domain for Western Arterial Loop project

“At their regular meeting Aug. 13, Conway City Council voted seven to zero to approve a resolution authorizing the condemnation by eminent domain proceedings on properties related to the Western Arterial Loop project.

City Attorney Michael Murphy said the city could not come to an agreement on price with two landowners whose land is in the path of the Western Arterial Loop.

Council granted the request to move into eminent domain proceedings for those parcels.

“Obviously, if we get a little closer where both parties possibly could resolve this, we will bring that back to you in the interim of the proceedings,” Murphy said.

There are two scenarios possible for the proceedings: A similar case in Russellville did not put that city at risk for additional attorneys fees, however the Conway project is tied with the Arkansas Highway Department and the legislature has changed things to where projects involving the AHD could result in the condemning party being responsible for reasonable attorneys fees.”

read the entire article

Spencer, Angela. The 19 August 2013.