Attorney Says There’s No Precedent for Eminent Domain for Bluegrass Pipeline

“Officials from a company that wants to build a natural gas liquids pipeline across Kentucky have been holding public meetings in several counties along the proposed route. One lawyer says he doesn’t see examples of eminent domain being used in similar cases.

If the Bluegrass Pipeline is built, it will transport the byproducts of natural gas drilling—materials like butane, propane and ethane—from Pennsylvania to processing plants on the Gulf of Mexico. Part of the pipeline already exists, but the 600 mile segment across Kentucky and Ohio would be new construction.

Right now, land agents have fanned out along the proposed path of the pipeline, asking for permission to survey. They’ve met some resistance. And from the beginning, the specter of eminent domain has been there. People worry: if they refuse, could the company come across their land anyway?”

read the entire article

Peterson, Erica. WFPL News 22 July 2013.