New Jersey Dune Easements by The Numbers

“Ever since Superstorm Sandy ravaged the state and pummeled our beaches, a whole new storm over propertarianism and public land use has taken over. The issue at glance is over the very pressing matter of beach replenishment and the building of dunes, which has caused much ire among private beach property owners who do not want to see their backyard become a north jersey circus during the summer. At first blush, a beach property owner’s reluctance to allow dunes looks like nothing more than totally clueless, entitled rich people whining. After all, if you don’t have protective barriers in the form of dunes then not only will you not have a “pristine view,” but you won’t have a freaking house. However, the issue may not be as black and white as it seems when considering all the factors.

Bob Martin, the state’s DEP commissioner, is hoping to get a total of 1,249 Dune easement agreements signed by homeowners along the coastline before beach replenishment projects will create stronger dunes.”

read the entire article

Hayne, Michael. Newsroom Jersey 15 July 2013.