Tattoo parlor in Shamokin’s crosshairs for eminent domain

“City council is pursuing eminent domain to acquire a tattoo parlor on North Market Street.

The plan is to knock it down to make way for an upgraded rail crossing near Market and Water streets. The Shamokin Valley line’s operator, SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority, has pledged $40,000 toward its acquisition and demolition, or toward any alternative the city would consider.

The structure at 515 N. Market St. was originally built as a comfort station. It’s since been home to small businesses, including Sterling Tattoo Co. since 2001.

Dave Lauer and Amanda Miller purchased the property from Helen Yocum for $24,000, according to the deed. Lauer declined comment this week but had said earlier this year he opposed any plans for him to leave the property, by sale or by taking.

A majority of councilmen have chosen the later after overtures for a sale were reportedly rebuffed.

They voted 3-1 Aug. 12 to adopt the first reading of an ordinance initiating the process of eminent domain by “lease, purchase or condemnation proceedings.””

read the entire article

Scicchitano, Eric. 25 August 2013.