Hayward begins eminent domain process to build a new road

“The Dorris family, which has run a salvage yard on Depot Road for more than 50 years, says the city is putting its business at risk by running a road through it.

“They’re splitting our property; that road cuts it directly in half,” said Howard Dorris of Dorris Auto Wreckers. “What’s going to happen when we can’t run our business on one lot?”

A long-planned an extension of Whitesell Street will provide a north-south route from Highway 92 to Winton Avenue on the western edge of the industrial area. The city has begun eminent domain proceedings against the Dorrises and five other property owners to ensure the project starts on schedule, said Morad Fakhrai, city director of public works for transportation.

In July, the City Council adopted what are called “resolutions of necessity,” a legal step required to initiate the eminent domain process. Fakhrai stressed that the city’s action does not mean negotiations over fair compensation for the land have to stop.”

read the entire article

Parr, Rebecca. San Jose Mercury News 1 September 2013.