Board approves eminent domain hearing for Ramona road project

“The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted Wednesday to push forward with a road widening project near Ramona, even though two property owners haven’t reached agreement with the county to sell part of their land.

The action, which took place without comment as part of the consent agenda, sets an Aug. 7 eminent domain hearing to allow the county to acquire property for the project from two owners who refuse to sell part of their land, according to a staff report.

The project requires around 14,000 square feet of one property and 16,000 square feet of the other, with appraised values of $7,700 and $11,100, respectively, according to the report.

Of the 31 land owners affected by the 2.25-mile-long project along San Vicente Road, near the intersection with Wildcat Canyon Road, 29 have reached deals with the county for sums of less than $150,000, the report said.”

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CBS 8 17 July 2013.