City renews threat of eminent domain at dilapidated East Lawrence property

“City commissioners find themselves in the middle of a unique real estate transaction that is focused on 1106 Rhode Island St. in East Lawrence. As we’ve previously reported, commissioners have become concerned about the dilapidated condition of the old house and barn on the property, which is just east of the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center.

Members of the Barland family own the property. They’ve cleaned up much of the yard, including holding a much-publicized auction of old Packard automobiles that had accumulated at the site.

But the condition of the vacant house and barn is still in rough shape. The city has said the Barland family needs to either fix it, sell it to someone who will or — here’s where it gets pretty unique — the city will use eminent domain to take over ownership of the property.”

read the entire article

Lawhorn, Chad. LJ World 26 July 2013.