Energy Fellow Works on Alternatives to Eminent Domain
“My big summer project is to investigate alternatives to eminent domain for development of new transmission lines. This is a really interesting and important project. Development of new transmission lines will:
Increase competition in the energy market, reducing consumers’ energy bills.
Reduce greenhouse emissions by connecting renewable energy resources (i.e. wind) to the grid and linking surplus generation capacity to areas of need.
Generate good paying jobs for hardworking Americans.
You might be thinking why not use eminent domain? The simple answer is many states deny eminent domain authority for siting interstate transmission lines. Some critics also dislike eminent domain because it under-compensates landowners and causes economic waste through excessive administrative and legal costs.
From the landowner’s perspective, I’m considering land acquisition approaches that result in more equitable outcomes. These include public and private arrangements that allow landowners to accept cash buyouts or share in the profits of the transmission project.”
Gerstle, Brandon. Center for Rural Affairs 5 July 2013.