Eminent domain threats persist in Ohio

“The ATEX will be buried below the ground in western Pennsylvania and cross 265 miles of Ohio on its way to its destination: ethylene manufacturing plants near Houston. The pipeline will run through 26 miles of Fairfield County, turning west just north of Lancaster.

Bonifant’s farm in eastern Licking County was part of the original route. The woods in front of his home, where his wife and he walk with their children and young grandchildren, were to be turned horizontal.

“I’m kind of hard-headed though, so I kept saying no,” Bonifant said.

The company, Enterprise Products Partners, attempted to negotiate with Bonifant under the threat of eminent domain, which allows the government — or a qualifying private party — to compel landowners to sell them access to their land for certain projects.

“Nothing made sense,” Bonifant said. “It wasn’t a public utility. It wasn’t anything to do for the public. It was just a product that somebody wanted. I just kept on like ‘This ain’t right.’””

read the entire article

Zimmer, Russ. Lancaster Gazette 23 June 2013.