City to fix up historic Cascade Saloon

“t will cost an estimated $700,000 to shore up and put a new roof on the Cascade Saloon at 408-410 South Elm St.

The city has started the process for taking over the building by eminent domain.
The city will sell the building after the work is done.

Mayor Robbie Perkins said Greensboro likely will lose money, but it will be worth the expense to save the historic building.

But before the city can award a bid, it will need to take control of the building through eminent domain. That could take until the end of the year.

If the city takes the building by eminent domain, it will have to pay a fair market value for it to the owner. A city-hired appraiser said the building was worth essentially nothing, considering the amount of repairs needed.”

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Rodriguez, Joseph. News & Record 23 May 2013.