Using Eminent Domain to Screw the Little Guy in Spring Valley, New York

“Officials in Spring Valley, New York, which is about 20 miles north of Manhattan, have been seizing properties in the village’s 15-block downtown area for the past decade and flipping them to private developers. Federal community development block grants helped pay for the acquisitions.

Village leaders, two of whom are now under federal indictment for extortion and wire fraud in an unrelated matter, demolished Anim’s business and several others in 2009. What they haven’t done is pay Anim for improvements made to the property. They’ve offered $96,000. Anim’s appraiser says she should be getting north of $1 million.

In the meantime, the developers, aided further by a variety of state and local subsidies, built senior housing as well as expensive condominiums designed to meet kosher standards.”

read the entire article

Ross, John K. 11 May 2013.