BSU v. Hiatt Printing moves to appeal and e-mail blast to lawmakers

” A property owner’s fight and appeal against eminent domain by a local institution now involves an e-mail blast to lawmakers and hundreds of other Hoosiers.

That Ball State University v. Hiatt Printing and its family’s trust case, found its way to plenty of in-boxes this week as Chris Hiatt beat back BSU’s’ effort to require him to post a $1 million bond to continue the fight.

Delaware Circuit Court 5 Judge Tom Cannon Jr. overruled Hiatt’s objections last month to the university taking the family’s McKinley avenue business and rental property for a new $25 million hotel and conference center that the institution called within the public interest.

But Cannon then rejected the university’s request for a $1 million bond for Hiatt to appeal , saying it would have a chilling effect to a person’s “absolute right” to appeal a trial court decision.

Hiatt immediately went on the offensive letting lawmakers and others know the facts of the case and how he thinks the university is wasting taxpayer dollars by continuing the court fight to seize his property.”

read the entire article

Yencer, Rick. Muncie Free Press 17 April 2013.
