Golf course owner turns down airport land deal

“Meadowgreens Golf Course co-owner Carmen Nero has turned down Columbia County’s offer of $629,000 for part of his golf course the county needs to extend the protection zone around its airport.

Nero told the Register-Star Friday evening that the county’s offer was too low, and that “they want more than 15 acres.” He said he needs to be reimbursed for the golf course so that he can rebuild and continue to run a golf course on the property. The county needs 15 acres plus a three-acre easement, which could require the relocation of two holes from the nine-hole golf course.

“We need something where a visitor to this county can go and play a quick round of golf and go to the restaurant,” he said.
This seems to have created an impasse between him and the county, which is prohibited by law from offering more than fair market value for the property. The $629,000 figure came from an independent appraisal the county had done, and the amount was approved by the FAA.

This has raised the possibility of eminent domain; the matter was discussed at Monday’s meeting of the county Economic Development Committee.”

read the entire article

Mason, John. Hudson Catskill Newspaper 30 March 2013.