Eminent domain bill survives close vote

” A legislative measure to grant eminent domain and condemnation rights to oil companies has finally made it out of its first committee, more than two months after beginning the process.
Senate Bill 13-191 survived a close vote in the Senate Local Government Committee on March 21, passing on a party-line 3-2 vote.
But the bill did not leave the local government committee unscathed. Two amendments were added to address concerns about the bill’s impact on irrigation ditch companies and to protect private property rights.
As introduced, SB 191 would grant oil companies eminent domain and condemnation rights for rights-of-way for pipelines, rights that the companies have believed for decades they already had.
The bill stems from a 2012 Colorado Supreme Court decision, Larson v. Sinclair Transportation. The Court told Sinclair it never had eminent domain or condemnation rights under state law. Current law grants those rights to natural gas and electric companies that require rights of way for transmission purposes.”

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Goodland, Marianne. Julesburg Advocate 28 March 2013.