Eminent domain approved for sewer upgrades

“Fourteen property owners are at risk of the city exercising eminent domain if they do not reach an agreement before construction begins on a major sewage project.

The City Council on Monday approved an ordinance that would allow the city to acquire property in order to proceed with the Eastside Wastewater Improvement Project, which includes $26 million in improvements to address sewer capacity needs for that area of town.

However, the legal action would only occur if property is not acquired in time to begin construction, based on a timeline set by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources State Revolving Fund, which provided lower-interest bond rates for the project.
The project entails building a new pump station near Candy Creek to replace an undersized pump station currently on Easton Road, as well as rehabilitating the Faraon Street pump station in order to increase its efficiency. It also will replace 1,500 feet of undersized sewers along Easton Road.”

read the entire article

Norvell, Kim. St Joseph News Press Now.com 4 March 2013.