Bills repeal use of eminent domain in Maine

” A quiver of bills before the state Legislature’s Judiciary Committee make it nearly impossible for private companies to benefit from the state’s ability to take private lands for public use, including economic development.

One of the measures, LD 58, would ask voters to change the state’s constitution so the government couldn’t use its power to take lands for the public good and turn those lands over to private businesses.

“This bill does not propose to eliminate the use of eminent domain as some fear,” state Sen. Doug Thomas, R-Ripley, said. “Government would still be able to widen the road or use this power for another use as long as it was a public project.”

Thomas, the bill’s sponsor is also the sponsor of another measure, LD 165, which would prohibit the use of the power in conjunction with a public-private partnership aimed at creating a transportation facility.”

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Thistle, Scott. Maine Sun Journal 5 March 2013.