Urban Renewal prepares eminent domain action against owners of Santa Fe train depot in Oklahoma City

“The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority is preparing to pursue eminent domain against the owners of downtown’s Santa Fe train depot after the city’s $2.5 million offer was rejected and countered with an asking price of $23.5 million.

he asking price by the owner, Brent Brewer, is more than twice the $9.7 million the city has budgeted as part of MAPS 3. The city plans to acquire the station and convert it into a transit hub that would serve Amtrak along with a new streetcar system and possible future commuter rail links to surrounding suburbs.

Cathy O’Connor, who is overseeing acquisition of the depot, 50 E.K. Gaylord Ave., in her role as Urban Renewal director, said negotiations began in August, and the counter-offer was not received until January.”

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Lackmeyer, Steve. NewsOK 6 March 2013.