Eminent domain reform advances in the garden state

“New Jersey is one step closer to updating its eminent domain laws for the first time since the U.S. Supreme Court handed downs its landmark Kelo v. City of New London decision in 2005. On March 4, 2013, the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee voted unanimously to approve a bill (S-2447) that would, according to a press release from Senate Democrats, “create a two-track system for redevelopment, establishing separate requirements for redevelopment projects that would involve condemnation and for those that would not.” The two tracks would protect homeowners whose properties might otherwise be subject to condemnation, while also creating a more streamlined process for municipalities undertaking redevelopment projects that do not involve condemnation.”

read the entire article

Porzio Bromberg, Porzio and Newman PC and Peter J. Gallagher. Lexology 5 March 2013.