Gilchrist Community Association Stands Up Against Eminent Domain Threat

“”Property rights strike directly to the heart of any Texan. It started with our ancestors in the 1800s and we plan to continue to fight today for the land that is rightfully ours,” said Gulf Coast Rod, Reel, and Gun Club President, Wayne Stupka in reaction to the Texas General Land Office requesting Galveston County to enact eminent domain to achieve total closure of Rollover Pass on Bolivar Peninsula. The Gulf Coast Rod, Reel, and Gun Club along with the Gilchrist Community Association have joined together to publicly state they do not agree with closure of Rollover Pass, nor the GLO requesting the county to enact eminent domain to take their private property. “It is high time that the bullying from state government stops,” Gilchrist Community Association President Ted Vega states. Both groups are consulting with legal counsel and are planning to fight the eminent domain process.

The supporters of keeping Rollover Pass open for all question the motivation of those seeking to close the Pass. “Is this an effort to support the rich beach front owners over the current users of the Pass?,” Vega asks. “We believe that this condemnation effort – if undertaken – would violate the Texas and United States Constitutions. We believe that this is being done for the good of private property owners at the expense of the public, exactly the opposite of the basis for the use of the power of condemnation. We have had enough.””

read the entire article 1 March 2013.