Medford could use eminent domain to gain downtown property

“The Medford City Council this Thursday might authorize a possible eminent domain action against a property that currently houses Shoes Right Here, a shoe store at the corner of Fourth Street and Central Avenue.

Part of the property is needed for a $1.8 million intersection makeover that would improve turning lanes and signals.

The city needs a 12.5-foot wide section of the one-tenth-of-an-acre property owned by the Elks Lodge to widen Fourth Street and to install new signals. Another 2.5-foot wide swath of property to the east, at the corner of Fourth and Bartlett, owned by J.K. Investments, is also part of the same proposed eminent domain action.

The city often authorizes a possible eminent domain action on road projects, though it has rarely exercised the option.

Cory Crebbin, public works director, doesn’t recall any instance in recent memory where the city actually followed through with an eminent domain action.

He said the city has been negotiating with the property owner to resolve a number of issues including relocation of the existing tenant, the loss of the existing building and the purchase of the right of way.

“It is not an easy thing to figure out,” he said.

Mike Conte, exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge, said he views the upcoming authorization for eminent domain as more of a procedural issue.”

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Mann, Damian. Mail Tribune 5 February 2013.