Eminent domain sparks debate

“A bill that would roll back some of the eminent domain powers granted by the 2011 Montana Legislature was debated Tuesday in Helena before a packed house at the Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee.

Landowners and executives from companies and utilities that build power and pipelines were on opposite sides of the debate.

At issue was Senate Bill 180, sponsored by Sen. Debby Barrett, R-Dillon.

It would repeal the explicit grant of authority to a public utility or a developer to exercise the power of eminent domain that comes with a project permit awarded under the Major Facility Siting Act.

“Nothing in Montana is more vital and more important than private property rights, so that is why I brought Senate Bill 180 and I’m still asking you to pass that,” Barrett said at the close of the hearing.

Senate Bill 180 addresses “merchant” power lines, Barrett said. Merchant lines are a “new animal” in Montana, she said.

Committee members did not vote.”

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Puckett, Karl. Tribune 5 February 2013.