Agency starts eminent domain proceedings for I-80/680 project

“About four acres needed for the next big Interstates 80 and 680 interchange-related project will be taken from the owners through eminent domain if negotiations for a selling price fail.

The Solano Transportation Authority Board of Directors by unanimous vote Wednesday decided to begin eminent domain proceedings involving eight separate landowners. Board members are the mayors of Solano County’s seven cities and a county supervisor.

Seven of the eight board members had to vote “yes” for the eminent domain proposals to pass. The board declared that the land is needed for a project that is in the public interest and gave staff the ability to go to court to obtain the land, if necessary. The court would then set the fair market value to be paid to the owners.

Solano Transportation Authority Executive Director Daryl Halls said the agency will turn the land for the project over to Caltrans. Having the Solano Transportation Authority do the eminent domain votes instead of the state kept the hearing local, he said.”

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Eberling, Barry. Daily Replublic 31 January 2013.