Eminent domain starts for Blairs Lane Bridge

“Placerville City Council approved the use of eminent domain to acquire property for the Blairs Lane Bridge Improvement/Replacement Project at Tuesday’s meeting.

The project, funded under a federal grant from the Highway Bridge Program, would replace the existing bridge on Blairs Lane where it crosses Hangtown Creek, bringing it up to current flood standards and city street standards. It requires right of way access as well as construction and public utility easements of property owned by Lee and Umesh Patel and the city has been unable to reach agreement with the property owners.

California eminent domain law requires a Resolution of Necessity that is based on whether the public interest and necessity requires the proposed project; whether the project is planned or located in a manner that is most compatible with the greatest good and least private injury; whether the real property to be acquired is necessary for the project and whether offers of just compensation have been made.”

read the entire article

Schultz, Wendy. The Mountain Democrat 25 January 2013.