St. Louis Regional Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Best Practices Guide

“Eminent domain is the exercise of state power to seize private property or rights-in-property without
the owner’s consent, though it does legally require “just compensation.” The City of Denver’s Transit-
Oriented Development Strategic Plan explicitly mentions that their transit agency has the authority to
exercise eminent domain. However, municipalities and transit agencies would be well-advised to leave
eminent domain as a final option, as it often elicits significant legal and community opposition.
Furthermore, current Supreme Court law indicates that eminent domain for economic development
purposes must be directly linked to a broad-based, comprehensive land use/development plan (Kelo v.
City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 2005).” page 19

Informative and comprehensive report on St. Louis’ research and evaluation of TOD practices and principals.

read the entire report

St. Louis Regional Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Best Practices Guide 14 January 2011