Our view: It’s wrong time to call for eminent domain related to Sears

“Enter the city. Years ago, the area was declared blighted, allowing the city wider latitude in using eminent domain to buy Sears out.

While we respect that the city’s Urban Renewal Board has this power, we disagree with its use in this case.

Leveraging eminent domain to kick landowners out at the behest of a wealthy developer is overreach; it sets a precedent any property owner should be wary of.

If the city can boot a solidly performing and longstanding retailer due to shabby surroundings, think of what could happen to any neighborhood or store if a developer comes to town with grand visions. The vague definition of blight statutes plus the heady power of eminent domain for private use becomes a slippery slope.”

read the entire article

The Coloradoan 12 January 2013.