Henrico loses eminent domain dispute with property owner

“A Henrico Circuit Court jury awarded Emily Sterling $236,750 in the case, agreeing with her claim that the county’s offer of $126,000 for the property at the northwest corner of the intersection of North Gayton Road and West Broad Street in western Henrico was inadequate.

The five-person jury’s verdict, on Wednesday at the end of a two-day trial, was unanimous. In eminent domain cases, only a majority is required, said Sterling’s attorney, Joshua T. Baker of the Norfolk-based law firm Waldo & Lyle PC.

Sterling maintained that the price offered by the county was too low and that after the county took the slice of land for the road project, the remaining property was too small to develop. The jury agreed.”

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Hallman, Randy. Richmond Times-Dispatch 10 December 2012.