Final business owner along Route 28 construction site closes

“The construction expansion project on Route 28 forced an auto body shop to close Monday, and the owner to move out.

The business owner, who was embroiled in a protracted dispute with the state over the seizure of his property by eminent domain for a highway widening project, was evicted by Allegheny County Sheriff’s deputies Monday morning.

“I am out of business right now. There was no reason to do this,” said William Lieberth, owner of Allegheny Auto Body. “This is government taking private property illegally.”

Deputies surrounded the building about 10 a.m., Lieberth said, and gave him half hour to pack up some of his belongings before padlocking the doors.

“It’s very upsetting,” Lieberth said. “I’ve been here 37 years. It’s been a body shop since 1935.”

Lieberth said he received a check that was part of a settlement he said he did not approve.”

read the entire article and watch the newscast

WPXI 1 October 2012.