City, homeowners association disagree about eminent domain use

“At a regular meeting on Tuesday, the Frisco City Council unanimously voted to allow the city to use eminent domain to acquire a small piece of land for its Stonebrook Parkway construction project.

That vote came at the displeasure of the Cheyenne Crossing Homeowners Association, which has been working with the city to sell the 1,202 square feet of land in question, located near the northwest line of the Burlington Northern Railroad.

The core area of disagreement between the two sides actually isn’t the full amount of land. Instead, the two sides are at an impasse regarding a right of way plot of land to be used as a buffer zone between the neighborhood and Stonebrook Parkway. That land is about 60 feet wide.

Tom Fabry, president of the Cheyenne Crossing homeowners association, said the neighborhood has been working with the city since 2011 to transfer the land.”

read the entire article

Tosie, Anthony. Star Local News 4 October 2012.