Workshops on Stockade flooding fix set for next week

“For three days next week, the community will be able to offer up ideas and hear from experts about plans to reduce flooding and ice jams along the Mohawk River in the historic Stockade neighborhood.

Dubbed “Building a Resilient Stockade,” the three community design workshops are slated to be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at the First Reformed Church, 8 North St.

The professional experts involved with the project are expected to reveal their preliminary findings from the data collection and review their preliminary design concepts.

Some possible options that have been discussed in the past for the roughly 60 homes and structures in the 100-year flood plain include elevating homes, berms and flood walls.

Funds are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state Department of Homeland Security.

The city will not seize any properties through eminent domain and whatever solution the community decides on will not displace anyone, city officials have said.”
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Nelson, Paul. Times Union 29 March 2019.