Erie Urban Renewal Authority tables Lafayette IGA following Supreme Court ruling

“Erie’s Urban Renewal Authority on Tuesday tabled the town’s proposed intergovernmental agreement with Lafayette, potentially planning to leverage its Colorado Supreme Court victory to push for a new deal that could scale back some of the town’s more notable concessions.

The high court’s ruling — upholding a June decision to strike down Lafayette’s attempt to condemn 22 acres of Erie land at the southeast corner of U.S. 287 and Arapahoe Road — has essentially voided the deal’s promise to settle the towns’ nearly three-year land spat, and without it, could give Erie leaders carte blanche to rethink some of the agreement’s other facets.

The litigation has stalled the groundbreaking on Erie’s multi-million dollar commercial development, Nine Mile Corner, since 2016.

The delay in approval, and any potential tweaks to the deal itself, could threaten to derail the communities’ touted path to reconciliation after years (or decades, according to some) of hostility.

Tuesday’s decision does not necessarily suggest the deal will be entirely revamped; the authority’s vote was only to table a decision on the agreement and leaders opted not to comment. However, if a new pact is to manifest, some officials have suggested it minimize a proposed buffer between the project and a Lafayette neighborhood that Nile Mile Corner developer Tyler Carlson has criticized. It also could potentially ask Lafayette for more money in returned attorneys fees.

As the deal currently stands, Lafayette will pay Erie $440,000 in attorney fees. It also includes provisions to drop two disputes over Erie access permits, draw “influence areas” across the county dictating where both communities can annex and develop in the coming decade, and regulate revenue sharing on a piece of Stephen Tebo-owned property along the communities’ border.”
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Hahn, Anthony. Boulder Daily Camera 12 February 2019.