In Schenectady, Stockade Neighborhood projects moving ahead

“The final design for the new $14 million pump station project is nearing completion and Schenectady General Services Commissioner Paul LaFond expects the project will go out to bid in the next month or so. At the same time, officials are moving forward on another project in the historic Stockade Neighborhood to address flooding.

While she’s happy the pump station project is moving along, Stockade Association President Carol DeLaMarter said last week there are still lingering concerns about the preservation during construction of the old historic pump station and how it will be adapted for a different use.

She is, however, optimistic they will get answers soon.

“I fully expect that they will address our concerns and then the project will move ahead,” DeLaMarter said.

LaFond acknowledged it will be a “complicated process” because the existing structure will be so close to the new one.

“It will be properly maintained and cared for,” said LaFond. “It won’t be a blighted building.”

The design calls for the new L-shaped pump station to sit next to the current facility, built in 1913, on North Ferry Street.”
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Nelson, Paul. Times Union 27 February 2019.