Rauf Bolden: Abusing eminent domain in Orange Beach

“Confiscating properties through eminent domain to build bridges and roads in Orange Beach is abusive. It rails against conservative ideals. Nothing says socialism quite like seizing private lands, getting what the government wants at all cost.

“Eminent domain is a necessary evil,” said Mayor Tony Kennon, according to a report in The Islander (April 25, 2018, page 29). His empathy speaks volumes, justifying governmental property seizures, referring to three families who will lose their home-based businesses on land needed for the Flyover Bridge west of the Foley Beach Express. He might as well have told those families, “Too bad!”

The Tom Thumb and its associated businesses in the convenience store’s mall, located at the corner of Canal Road and Hwy 161 are also scheduled for seizure under eminent domain, being demolished and replaced by a double turn lane, enabling better traffic flow for vacationers. It’s troubling not knowing what other economic disenfranchisement plans local government has in mind for business owners and families in Orange Beach.”
read the entire article
Bolden, Rauf. Alabama TOday 12 March 2019.