Glendale rug stores wins big in court against city’s efforts to develop their land

“A 10th District Court of Appeals judge ruled in favor of a Glendale rug store, marking the end of a three-year battle between Authentic Persian and Oriental Rugs and the city.

The victory means “we were not given the due process and that they were not fair to us,” according to owner Nasrin Khologhy. “It means that a cloud of eminent domain is lifted from our land.”

The city of Glendale had deemed their land ‘blighted’ or rundown and in 2015, tried to buy the families more than five acres of land on the corner of Colorado Boulevard and Cherry Creek Drive South for a multi-million dollar dining and entertainment district known as Glendale 180.

The city also got the authority to take the land using eminent domain, but after months of fighting back, Glendale agreed not to take their property and move forward with the project without it.

Khologhy said the family decided to take the case to court to ensure the city never came back and to get the ‘blight’ designation removed from their land.”
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Kovaleski, Jennifer . Channel 7 News 17 May 2018.