Letter to the Editor: Ralph Becker: Billboard legislation represents the worst of Utah politics

“Once again, lobbyists for the outdoor advertising industry are pursuing special-interest legislation in the 2018 Utah Legislature to further undermine citizens’ and local governments’ ability to decide how and where billboards should exist in their communities.

HB361, sponsored by House Majority Whip Francis Gibson, R-Mapleton, will prohibit local leaders from placing restrictions on where a billboard is moved or relocated, unless local government can acquire that billboard within 90 days. This is the industry’s latest effort to maintain power and influence after losing a case in the Utah courts that recognized cities’ use of eminent domain for billboards. The case centered on Salt Lake City’s “audacity” several years ago to buy out a particularly troublesome billboard when its lease expired. The court’s ruling in SLC’s favor offended Reagan Outdoor Advertising, and it has turned to the Legislature to further limit any local control over billboards.

Most local governments do not have financial resources to buy out overpriced billboards. And already, under Utah statute, a local government may not limit the location, size or height of a billboard. HB361 sweetens this special privilege by further limiting towns’ and cities’ ability to even purchase a billboard.”
read the entire article
Becker, Ralph. Desert News 24 February 2018.